Having a luau, Mexican fiesta, New's Year's Eve bash, wedding, or some other raging party where a bunch of gorgeous palms would sexy it up? Then you know who to call. We can roll in and turn your bland space into a far away exotic destination with just a few flicks of our crane levers. Palms create an exuberant, festive, and celebratory atmosphere that is sure to liven up any event.
Take a look at the fantasy our client had that we were able to accomplish for her. Her wedding dream was to walk a palm lined red carpet aisle to the man she'd spend the rest of her life with and then take her vows surronded by loved ones amongst a lush circle of palm paradise. Golden Gate Palms made this a reality. And we didn't hurt a blade of grass in doing so.
Take a peak at Jess's dream wedding palm grove below.

Here's the happy couple as I found them when I showed up, standing on their blank slate with a very artfully laid out design marked in flags. Time to roll the crane truck in!

But slow down a little partner, Jess's soon to be mother inlaw who graciously offered up her perfectly manicured gorgeous Napa estate for the bash made it known in no uncertain terms that if I hurt just a single blade of grass while hucking these palms into place, she'd have my head. The scary part? I really don't think she was joking. So down goes the heavy plywood to support the 30,000 lb truck and look at that- you'd never know I just derbied across her fine lawn.

And then the magical night. A whole bunch of lush palms, thousands of lights, a gorgeous dark blue sky, and you have an evening that anyone who was there will never forget.

What the bride saw on her wonderful walk to her new husband and her new life.

And you thought the palms were beautiful? Check out this newly hitched couple! They make the palms look stupid!
Congratulations Ted and Jess!!!